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Golden Pearls (Golden Wonderberry)
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This fast-growing, newly discovered tomato relative from the Solanaceae family produces clusters of sweet, yellow or orange berries, (which bear a striking resemblance to yellow currants but are no relation), on long dividing stems which carry slightly hairy leaves. It can be grown in a container, when the plant will produce fruit very quickly indeed, whilst very small, or in the open ground or greenhouse when the plant will carry on growing and producing fruit all summer long and right into the autumn. Unripe berries should definitely not be eaten. This completely new introduction to Western gardens has been around for centuries in Africa (Solanum villosum), where the actual leaves, which are reputedly used like spinach, are sold in markets, although we cannot recommend this use, and the leaves are often smoked, reputedly as a legal drug or canabis substitute, and we definitely DO NOT recommend this practice.
Sowing Advice
Seeds are surface-sown or covered only slightly. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Containers should be held in warm conditions until sprouts appear, which may take anywhere from 20 to 40 days. Move sprouting plantings immediately to bright light conditions, such as a south-facing window.
Key Facts
Common name:Solanum villosum aureum
Seeds / gram:950 (Approx)