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Sisyrinchium Angustifolium
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Sisyrinchium angustifolium is a dwarf iris relative, that could easily be mistaken for a clump of grass were it not for the yellow-centred, bright blue star-like flowers that appear in succession from May until August. In the wild it grows in mid western & eastern North America, from New Foundland & Quebec to Florida & Texas. Over time it can spread slowly by seed, but it never seems to become an unwelcome intruder in any sunny location. Alternatively, clumps can be divided in early spring.
Sowing Advice
Seeds should be sown in spring and grown on in small pots before being planted in final positions in early summer. Alternatively just sow where needed in the garden.
Key Facts
Common name:Stout Blue-Eyed Grass, Sisyrinchium bermudianum
Classification:Hardy perennial
Seeds / gram:200 (Approx)