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Acer Campestre (Field Maple)
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A familiar sight, both in gardens and in British hedgerows, this attractive deciduous native tree is clad in deep green maple foliage, which changes to dazzling bright gold and yellows in late summer and autumn. But it is grown as much for its incredible seeds as for its foliage. The first gales of autumn loosen the bunches of amazing propeller-like seeds, which fly in all directions like miniature helicopters. Children (and even some adults!) delight in throwing them up into the air to see how far they can fly!
Sowing Advice
The seeds have already been thoroughly cleaned and cold-stored for several months. Sow into a well-drained sandy compost at any time of year, cover to their own depth with sand or grit. Seeds usually germinate in spring, so simply protect from vermin and leave outside over the winter to freeze and allow for natural stratification to occur.
Key Facts
Common name:Field Maple
Classification:Hardy tree
Seeds / gram:18 (Approx)