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Oenothera Odorata 'Apricot Delight'
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Vast three inch fragrant lemon-yellow saucers slowly change colour through apricot to pink with age. This adorable back-of-the-border plant is unusual in that the flowers open during the day time when they can be best admired. Evening primrose oil, derived from the seeds, is a well-known source of gamma linoleic acid (GLA), said to be a good dietary supplement for women in particular. The small drop of this nutrient in every seed serves as a readily available energy boost for the plant, allowing it to germinate and grow faster than its competitors.
Sowing Advice
Sow immediately at any time onto preferably a soil-based compost, covering with fine grit to approximately their own depth. Germination MAY be quicker if kept at 15 to 20 degrees C. but many seeds WILL NOT come up the year they are sown, needing winter chilling after sowing, and ONLY come up with natural spring germination.
Key Facts
Common name:Oenothera odorata
Classification:Hardy perennial
Seeds / gram:2000 (Approx)