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Cyperus Involucratus
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An outstandingly decorative plant deservedly given the R.H.S. Award of Garden Merit. Compact rosettes of broad leaves are produced beneath numerous sprays of intricately formed, frilly green flowerheads, attractively striped with mahogany. A very adaptable plant which excels in damp or wet soi, but still does perfectly well in dry conditions.
Sowing Advice
Sow at any time, in a well-lit position, into a good, soil-based compost. Cover seeds thinly and keep moist at around 15 degrees C or 60 degrees F. Some New Zealand species can be very slow indeed and may need cooler temperatures before they will come up. Grass seedlings should be potted on and grown on singly, or in clumps for more rapid establishment of a large specimen.
Key Facts
Common name:Umbrella Sedge, Umbrella plant
Classification:Hardy perennial