Berry Seeds

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Displaying seeds 1 - 15 of 58 in total

    One of the favourite fruits of the temperate world, blackcurrants produce numerous clumps of sweet, juicy, black fruits, heavily laden with vitamin C and countless other good vitamins, which are unbeatable for jams and juices. These ready-stratified seeds were harvested from some of the best cultivars in the world. Habits will vary a little but all plants will produce several kilograms of fruit when established. The dried leaves are sometimes used to make tea. These valuable plants are also amazingly hardy, surviving to below minus 40 F (which coincidentally is minus 40 C), with little pro ... Learn More


    (70+ seeds)


    These seeds, which have been stratified ready to sow, have been collected from the very best cultivars including Himalayan Giant and Loch Tay. They will produce plants giving different-sized fruits from early to late season, bearing the sweetest and most succulent black fruits from mid-summer onwards. ... Learn More


    (30 seeds)


    These seeds were collected from the very best forms of wild blackberry growing in our 3 kilometers of ancient Devon hedges we have surrounding Plant World. Habits of the wild form do vary, so special care was taken to select the heaviest cropping bushes which were heavily laden with sweet fruit from mid August until late September. They make the very sweetest and tastiest blackberry jam and preserves you will ever discover! ... Learn More


    (30+ seeds)


    Incredibly long, fat juicy fruits are produced by this extraordinary plant in our fruit garden, trusses sometimes being so heavy that they hang towards the ground. Vigorous branches are best trained in rows rather as with grape vines. Seedling will invariably vary but you will inevitably get some amazing plants from these seeds. ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    If you hate being scratched whilst collecting blackberries, this is the one for you. This quite amazing variation bears smooth, shiny, thorn-free stems carrying countless bunches of sweet, juicy black berries. ... Learn More


    (30 seeds)


    The "Blueberry" is one of the healthiest fruits in the world. The sweet, juicy fruits, as well as being high in vitamin C are also packed with anti-oxidants, which can defeat common "waterworks" (bladder and urinary tract) infections, and many other health problems. Our seeds are produced from the berries of different cultivars of heavy-fruiting plants, and the ones you grow will include early and late fruiting varieties and display a diversity of different habits. Grow plants either in pots, or in ground enriched with plenty of peat or acidic compost for best results. ... Learn More


    (60+ seeds)


    If you love raspberries, blackberries, and loganberries (which themselves are a hybrid cross between raspberries and blackberries), you will appreciate the amazingly sweet flavour combination of all 3. This rarely seen and thornless plant is named after its creator, Rudolph Boysen, who created the hybrid. Fresh boysenberries, expensive to buy, can sometimes be found at specialist small local farmers’ markets. A very healthy fruit, amongst many other desirable properties, they are high in vitamin C, folate, and manganese. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Cape Gooseberries are delicious sweet fruits, ripening in late summer in abundance, from easy to grow plants. They grow in a similar manner to outdoor tomatoes, coming from the same plant family. The fruits have a paper-like covering and can be stored for several weeks, and can be made into fruit-based sauces, pies, puddings, chutneys, jams, and ice cream, or eaten fresh in salads and fruit salads. Plants are naturally perennial and live for many years in Mediterranean and warmer UK gardens, but are best grown as annuals in most UK gardens, although they also grow well in containers. ... Learn More


    (90 seeds)


    This large, dark red juicy cherry has a mild, sweet, and slightly sharp flavour and the tree is self-fertile. A highly productive, and flavourful cherry, it has a tendency to set fruit in tight clusters. At the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre in Summerland, British Columbia, breeders originally crossed 'Van' and 'Stella' cherries and came up with 'Lapins', a self-pollinating variety that produces large crops of delicious dark fruit that often measure almost 1 inch in width. The fruit resists splitting, and its texture is somewhat firmer than 'Bing', and it is a late-maturing cherry, with har ... Learn More


    (4 seeds)


    These exceptionally large, 2cm fruits are one of the very best eating cherries with deepest crimson-red, almost black, very sweet fruits. This variety originates from the west of Spain in Extremadura. It is a self-sterile variety of cherry, trees grown from seedlings can vary a lot with a large variety of different forms, colours and flavours in the fruits they yield. ... Learn More


    (4 seeds)


    This unusually large, darkest red juicy cherry is highly productive and flavourful, with a tendency to set fruit in tight clusters, the dark fruit often measuring an inch or 25 mm in width. Sweetheart cherries are one of the last eating cherries to ripen each year, ripening over several weeks, not all at once like most cherries, and cropping just into September. The sweet fruit are firm, with a refreshing touch of acidity, and they also resist splitting, The fruit from these seedlings may occasionally vary. ... Learn More


    (4 seeds)


    Chokeberry is thought to be the world's healthiest fruit! The berries, with very few seeds, should be very ripe indeed before they are eaten, and have a strong, delicious, and quite unique taste. But its most popular use is in juices, sauces, smoothies and summer puddings! Incredibly tough and hardy, it is long-lived, easy to grow, and extremely productive, and truly is a fruit of the future! With an amazing three times more xanthocyanins and antioxidants than blueberries and blackcurrants, (allegedly a highest proportion than any other known plant), and also polyphenols, bioflavonoids, tannin ... Learn More


    (35 seeds)



    A gorgeous, upright, edible, (yes edible when ripe), crab apple with masses of cup-shaped, pink-flushed, white flowers in late spring. These are followed in autumn by profuse bunches of small, bright golden-yellow crab apples which remain for many weeks. The dark green leaves turn a dazzling butter-yellow before falling in late autumn. This compact, pollution-tolerant crab apple is a beautiful ornamental tree. Of all the yellow fruited crab apples this beauty is the most well known and prolific. Additionally, this is one of the two best available choices for pollinating apple trees and indeed ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    Large, red, vitamin-filled berries are produced on evergreen plants in mid to late summer. The wild cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) is an evergreen, ground-cover plant native to North America which flourishes in boggy conditions and actually contains very few seeds. Consequently we can only give ten seeds per packet. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)

  15. DAMSON

    This ancient English fruit has vibrant dark blue skin and a strong flavour, and is not sweet until it is entirely ripe, when it becomes absolutely delicious! Very similar to a plum, it is very juicy, but its moment of glory comes when it is cooked, the heat drawing the juice out of the dusky skins and with it the most extraordinary depth of flavour. They are superb for making jam or jelly and are amongst the heaviest cropping trees in existence, the groaning branches often breaking under the weight of fruit in the autumn. ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)

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