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Sorbus Aucuparia
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This well-loved tree produces clusters of white flowers in spring followed by bright, long-lasting, orange-red berries in the autumn that are loved by birds. The leaves go through dramatic colour changes in the autumn, turning yellow, then finally deep crimson before they fall off. The mountain ash is actually not an ash but a member of the rose family. The name "rowan" is derived from the Old Norse name for the tree, raun. It has numerous English folk names, including: Mountain ash, Quickbane, Quickbeam, Quickentree, Quickenbeam, Ran tree, Roan tree, Roden-quicken, Roden-quicken-royan, Round wood, Round tree, Royne tree, Rune tree, Sorb apple, Thor's helper, Whispering tree, Whitty, Wicken-tree, Wiggin, Wiggy, Wiky, Witch wood, Witchbane, Witchen. I bet you can't say all those in one breath!
Sowing Advice
Seeds have already been thoroughly cleaned and cold-stored for several months. Sow into well-drained, sandy compost at any time of year, cover to their own depth with sand or grit. No artificial heat is needed; seed tray is best left in a cool protected spot and kept moist. Seeds usually germinate in spring, regardless of when sown.
Key Facts
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