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Silene Zawadskii
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A rarely-seen dwarf perennial with an evergreen basal leaf rosette which forms dense cushions in time, above which arise, on short stems, several inflorescences of quite large, pure white flowers. Making an excellent rock garden plant, it is easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in full sun. It comes from the eastern European mountains including the Carpathians.
Sowing Advice
Seeds can be sown at any time but are best sown in winter or early spring to benefit from a cold spell in the wet compost to break their dormancy. We advise covering seeds very thinly with sand or fine grit to about the depth of the seed size. If the seeds do not come up within 6 to 12 weeks the damp seed tray can be given cold treatment in a fridge for about four weeks. They may still take very many months to appear, so please never discard the pot or tray.
Key Facts
Common name:Zawadski's Catchfly
Classification:Hardy perennial