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Tomato Crokini F1
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Tasty red fruits cascade in an abundance of delicious sweet cherry tomatoes which are full of flavour. Heavy crops of gorgeous, non-splitting tomatoes have good resistance to mildew and many diseases and are ideal either cooked, or raw for snacking. They originated in Provence in the south of France, in the small town of Saint-Rémy de Provence.
Sowing Advice
Cover seeds only slightly. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Containers are held in warm conditions until sprouts appear, which may take 3-10 days. Move sprouting plantings immediately to bright light conditions, eg a window. Inadequate light is a frequent cause of failure of young seedlings. Around time of last frost, set seedlings into pots. Remove side-shoots and support the plant.
Key Facts
Packet Content:10 (Approx)