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Dragon Fruit
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The tasty fruits of the exotic "PITAHAYA" cactus can be grown as an ornamental plant indoors, or outside in hot countries, where it will put forth large fragrant white flowers. These in turn produce an almost endless supply of attractive, grapefruit-sized red fruits, with numerous, tiny, rather fascinating, green-tipped red 'wings'. When the soft, rubbery, inedible skin is cut open, the attractively contrasting, delicately-flavoured white flesh, studded with tiny edible black seeds is revealed, rather similar to "Kiwi Fruits". These incredibly healthy fruits contain generous servings of vitamin C, along with numerous antioxidants, and are sold in supermarkets in the UK at very high prices.
Sowing Advice
Sow seeds in a gritty mix and keep moistened in a warm (20 degrees C) brightly-lit spot. Seedlings appear reliably within 2 to 4 weeks. Pot on into small pots and grow on watering sparingly. After a year or so plants will flower, and in a hot climate produce fruit.
Key Facts
Common name:Hylocereus undatus
Packet Content:10 (Approx)