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Bletilla Striata
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This relatively easy-to-grow, deciduous orchid produces broad, pleated, aspidistra-like leaves. In late spring, arching stems of superb pink orchid flowers appear, with the very occasional white form appearing. Once established, this plant is a valuable garden treasure as it is quite hardy, but it may be grown in a pot to overwinter inside where winters are extremely cold. It prefers a cool, organic soil if possible in a shaded or woodland situation where the rhizomes can slowly spread over the years. Fresh seeds are collected from our gardens each year.
Sowing Advice
Fill a pot with sterilized, chopped, sphagnum moss and dampen it with soft, lime-free water (Not from your tap if you get furry limescale in your kettle though). Sprinkle the seeds on to the moss. Keep the whole pot enclosed inside a clean plastic bag for several months in a well-lit, slightly warm place, such as a bedroom window sill. As the tiny plants appear slowly open the bag and keep moist. Transplant the seedlings when they are big enough to be handled into a 50/50 mix of garden soil and moss and grow them on in a cool shady spot, not too warm!!
Key Facts
Common name:Hardy Orchid, Chinese Ground Orchid
Classification:Hardy perennial
Packet Content:100+ (Approx)