Sauromatum Venosum


Sauromatum Venosum

$3.97 / packet

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This stunning plant unfolds its spathe revealing an intense, prominent black spadix, while the spathe continues to fold back, displaying its internal pattern of rich purplish brown and yellow with a distinctly velvet sheen. It is one of the very hardiest of all the exotic aroids, thriving in most British gardens and in a warm sunny spot, it is truly tropical-looking with extravagant exotic foliage. With its elongated poker-like tip and bulbous egg-timer shaped base, all resting on a short white lilac spotted stalk, it looks not unlike the horns of some emerging subterranean devil. The spathe continues to unfurl over several days until it rests flaccid like a long mottled tongue, emitting a delightful fragrance which some people unkindly liken to bad meat, but bearing in mind this plant is fly-pollinated, is good thinking (or evolution!) by the plant! After flowering, large clumps of dark purple seeds form, held aloft above the ground. An easy, exciting and and highly rewarding plant.

Sowing Advice

Plant about 4 inches or 10cm deep either in a large pot indoors or a sheltered spot facing the sun outdoors. They will do better if soil is well-prepared and manured beforehand.

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Key Facts


Common name:Typhonium venosum, the Voodoo Lily

Classification:Hardy perennial


Packet Content:3 (Approx)

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