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Strawberry Chinese White
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Masses of completely new and unique pure snow-white fruits are produced, smaller than most big commercial forms. When ripe they have a flavour that has been described as aromatic and banana-like. Others say it has a peach-like fragrance and taste! A novel new species of strawberry, it is extremely rare in cultivation, this form having been discovered and collected on Mount Emei in Sichuan, China, where it grows on mountain slopes and in forested valleys. Unlike many strawberries it is a very low-growing, ground covering plant, with typical strawberry foliage, and spreads via runners, which produce countless dainty attractive white fruits. Botanically it is a self-compatible diploid species.
Sowing Advice
(Fragaria nilgerrensis) Sow seeds at any time of the year into a sandy compost and cover thinly with grit. NO artificial heat is needed. leave seed tray in a cool spot and keep moist, seed generally germinates very slowly indeed, usually appearing in spring whenever they are sown. These seeds are fresh but may take up to 6-12 months to appear. DO NOT discard the seed tray, be patient, they WILL germinate if you follow this advice. Pot on small plants before planting out in rows.
Key Facts
Packet Content:10 (Approx)