Aristolochia Ringens


Aristolochia Ringens

$3.00 / packet

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This tall, hairless slender twiner, native to Brazil, bears extremely outrageous, almost sensuous blooms, which are patterned with a rippling network of burgundy, red, and purple over a creamy-yellow background, the two lips giving an impression of a gaping mouth, the species name 'ringens' meaning snarling in Latin. This rugged and robust vine will also do well in a container with regular watering. If you happen to be going there on holiday, the roots of this plant are well known as an antidote for snake bites in New Granada. But please do not rely on this cure.........

Sowing Advice

Sow seeds, covering them thinly, preferably in spring but can be at any time, in good light, at between 15 and 20 degrees C. Prick out small seedlings into 3 inch/8cm pots containing a John Innes, loam-based compost. Grow on before planting into a large container or sheltered spot outdoors, with climbing support, and be sure to protect them from freezing in winter.

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Key Facts


Common name:Gaping Dutchman's Pipe

Classification:Greenhouse climber, Half hardy climber


Packet Content:15 (Approx)

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