Tigridia Pavonia Red


Tigridia Pavonia Red

$3.86 / packet

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The huge scarlet blooms of this outstanding red form of Tigridia pavonia open early in the morning and close when dusk begins to fall; each day seeing a different bloom opened. Plants grown from seeds bloom in the first year and are often grown as a tender summer annual, planted in spring and dug up again in autumn for storing in a dry frost-free place. Coming from dry places in South Africa it needs all the sun available, as this not only encourages flowering, but also ripens the bulb to ensure a similar display the following year. Few seeds collected.

Sowing Advice

Seeds may be sown at any time of the year onto a well-drained compost and covered about 5-10 mm deeply. Keep the pot moist at a temperature of between 18 and 22 degrees C in a well-lit position. Seeds should germinate within 2 to 6 weeks but may take much longer so do not discard the seed tray. Pot on small seedlings into 3" or 7cm pots until of a size suitable for final planting into a large pot or outside into a warm, well-drained spot.

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Key Facts


Common name:Peacock Flower. Moraea pavonia, Mexican Shell- flower

Classification:Half hardy bulb, Hardy bulb


Packet Content:15+ (Approx)

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