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Capparis Spinosa
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Too seldom seen, this scrambling, slightly spiny shrub, which can also be trained to climb, bears sizeable, attractive white flowers, some 2-3 inches across, with delicate, most attractive, pale purple stamens, which are continuously replaced in profusion, making a constant dazzling display from May onwards. And to further intrigue you, and we never knew this until now.......the unopened flower buds picked when tight and preserved in brine or vinegar are culinary capers!
Sowing Advice
These seeds have already been thoroughly cleaned and cold-stored for several months. They should be sown into a well-drained, sandy compost at any time of the year, and covered thinly with sand or grit and kept moist. Keep at between 15 and 20 degrees C. Germination usually occurs within 4 to 6 weeks although some seeds may take much longer.
Key Facts
Common name:Caper Bush; Flinders Rose
Classification:Hardy shrub
Packet Content:10 (Approx)