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Grass Seed. Highest Quality Ornamental Lawn
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This valuable mixture of ultra-dwarf grasses produces the most luxurious, very best and highest quality, ornate, formal or show lawn possible, producing a short, dense but fine-leaved turf, which keeps excellent colour throughout the year. It contains no creeping fescue or other inexpensive grass. Carefully prepare a flat, even seedbed before sowing thinly. Water well until at least 5 cm tall. It is slow to grow, but worth the wait. These small packets are ideal for patching and filling gaps where weeds have been removed, or where a neighbours cat has made a visit! 25 gms should cover a square metre if scattered carefully. Formula mixture: 50% ARCHIBAL certified Slender Fescue, 30% CAPRICCIO certified Chewings Fescue, 20% HIGHLAND certified Bentgrass. Also suitable for large pot of cat's grazing grass grown in good light indoors!
Sowing Advice
For repairing bare patches, fork the ground to loosen it, then rake very gently to make a soft, fine and level surface. Sprinkle seeds evenly, then rake gently in. Water regularly until the area turns green, but please remember that these perennial dwarf grasses are very slow indeed to germinate! For larger areas it can be an advantage to incorporate some sharp sand into the tilth before sowing.
Key Facts
Packet Content:25grams (Approx)