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American Land Cress
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A really easy-to-grow substitute for water cress, which reaches maturity in 7-8 weeks. The peppery leaves are absolutely packed with calcium, iron and minerals and can be used in salads, soups and stir fries. The plant overwinters well especially if protected with a cloche.
Sowing Advice
Sow thinly in late Summer or Autumn in cool, partly-shaded soil in drills 1/2in deep and about 12in apart. Thin out to 4in apart. Succession harvest regularly. Plants might need a cloche as protection in winter, whilst if sowing in the spring take care to ensure the plants are well-watered.
Key Facts
Common name:Barbarea verna, bank cress, black wood cress, Belle Isle cress, Bermuda cress, early yellowrocket, early wintercress, scurvy cress, creasy greens
Packet Content:950 (Approx)