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Lantana Camara
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Also known as Angel Lips, Spanish Flag, or West Indian Lantana, these spectacular shrubby plants have aromatic flower clusters (umbels) in a mixture of red, orange, yellow, and white florets. The flowers, which are hummingbird magnets, typically change colour as they mature, resulting in inflorescences that are two or three-coloured. Indeed another common name for Lantana camara is "Ham 'n Eggs" due to the adjacent white and yellow inflorescences. Although they are more often seen as specimens and borders around the entrances to hotels in warmer countries, in the UK they are just as much at home in a large container in a conservatory. The bunches of black berries which finally appear are much loved by hungry birds too!
Sowing Advice
These seeds have already been thoroughly cleaned and cold-stored for several months. They should be sown into a well-drained, sandy compost at any time of the year, and covered thinly with sand or grit and kept moist. Keep at between 15 and 20 degrees C. Germination usually occurs within 4 to 6 weeks although some seeds may take much longer.
Key Facts
Common name:Lantana Camara hybrids, Shrub Verbena, Yellow Sage, Angel Lips, Spanish Flag, or West Indian Lantana
Classification:Greenhouse perennial
Packet Content:20+ (Approx)