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Tigridia Pavonia Mixed Colours
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This famous flamboyant flower gives one of the world's most spectacular displays with brilliant three-petalled, very large orchid-like flowers of red, pink, orange, yellow and white, which appear in early summer, all above insignificant fans of long, thin basal leaves.
Sowing Advice
Seeds may be sown at any time of the year onto a well-drained compost and covered about 5-10 mm deeply. Keep the pot moist at a temperature of between 18 and 22 degrees C in a well-lit position. Seeds should germinate within 2 to 6 weeks but may take much longer so do not discard the seed tray. Pot on small seedlings into 3" or 7cm pots until of a size suitable for final planting into a large pot or outside into a warm, well-drained spot.
Key Facts
Common name:Peacock Flower. Moraea pavonia, Mexican Shell- flower
Classification:Half hardy bulb, Hardy bulb
Packet Content:12 (Approx)