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Geranium 'Maverick Mixed'
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Known for massive, grapefruit-sized flower clusters and improved summer heat tolerance, this unique mixed zonal geranium bears the whole palette of purple, fuchsia, pink and white blossoms. Boasting a robust, well-branching habit and bright green lobed leaves with faint blackish green bands, it blooms continuously if well-maintained. This hybrid is also widely praised for its performance in small garden containers and is good at attracting butterflies!
Sowing Advice
Sow in late winter/early spring in gentle warmth, 15-20 degrees C. Prick out into small 3" pots and plant in final position when the plants are established.
Key Facts
Common name:Pelargonium x hortorum, Zonal Geranium
Classification:Half hardy annual
Packet Content:6 (Approx)