Scilla Verna

SCILLA VERNA seed image

Scilla Verna

$2.90 / packet

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These delicate, short-stemmed plants opens their star-like palest blue flowers with deep blue stamens, from March to August, but they are usually at their best in April and May, and are usually found in the wild on dry, grassy slopes. In cultivation they make perfect plants for low grass in shade or on a moist rockery. The plant occurs from Portugal north through Spain, France, Great Britain and Ireland.

Sowing Advice

Sow seeds at any time, covering them very thinly with compost or grit, keeping the seed pot in a cool, well-lit spot outdoors. Artificial heat is not needed and can prevent germination so be very patient as many species will only germinate in the spring after chilling or freezing in the moist seed pot in the winter. Grow on individual seedlings in small pots until of sufficient size to be potted on or planted out into the open ground.

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Key Facts


Common name:Spring Squill

Classification:Hardy bulb, Hardy perennial


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