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Acer Tataricum
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This attractive, bushy, round-crowned deciduous tree bears creamy white flowers and red fruit, and glossy bright green leaves, with toothed margins, that turn a flaming red or yellow in autumn. The thin pale bark is smooth at first but becomes fissured later. It is native to central and south eastern Europe and south western Asia, from Austria east to south western Russia and the Caucasus, and south to Turkey.
Sowing Advice
Seeds have already been thoroughly cleaned and cold-stored for several months. Sow into well-drained, sandy compost at any time of year, cover to their own depth with sand or grit. No artificial heat is needed; seed tray is best left in a cool protected spot and kept moist. Seeds usually germinate in spring, regardless of when sown.
Key Facts
Common name:Tartar Maple, Tatraian Maple
Classification:Hardy tree
Packet Content:8 (Approx)