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Hesperantha Falcata
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In spring, incredibly fragrant (jasmine to frangipani) white flowers, with a flush of red on the outside, open late in the afternoon or evening when they are pollinated by bees or moths. This beautiful dwarf plant is found growing in the wild on sandstone and shale slopes and coastal flats from the Northwest Cape to the Eastern Cape.
Sowing Advice
Seeds may be sown at any time of the year onto a well-drained compost and covered very thinly indeed with compost or grit, leaving some of the seed showing as light may aid germination. Keep the pot moist at a temperature of between 18 and 22 degrees C in a well-lit position. Seeds should germinate within 2 to 6 weeks but may take longer. Pot on into small pots before finally planting into a large pot, or outside in warmer countries.
Key Facts
Common name:Hesperantha graminifolia, Ixia falcata
Classification:Hardy perennial, Half hardy perennial, Hardy bulb, Half hardy bulb
Packet Content:10 (Approx)