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Teucrium Betonicum
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This rare and new-in-cultivation evergreen shrub from Madeira is worth growing as a foliage plant alone with its large soft, velvety-sage-green scallop-edged leaves. However, a glorious multitude of showy, six inch purple-violet-rose spikes, many to a stem, are held upright, smothering the foliage from top to bottom on a dense rounded bush from May to August. In addition, it is easy, drought tolerant, and deer proof. Gentle pruning in early spring will keep it flowering every year. Finally it will grow almost anywhere, from bone dry (as in Madeira) to a damp shady corner. A worthy introduction to gardens!
Sowing Advice
Sow immediately at any time onto preferably a soil-based compost, covering with fine grit to approximately their own depth. Germination MAY be quicker if kept at 15 to 20 degrees C. but many seeds WILL NOT come up the year they are sown, needing winter chilling after sowing, and ONLY come up with natural spring germination.
Key Facts
Common name:Madeira Germander
Classification:Half hardy shrub, Hardy shrub, Hardy perennial
Packet Content:150+ (Approx)