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Eschscholzia Californica 'Jelly Beans'
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The Calfornian Poppy - the official State flower of California - is a beautiful annual with lovely blue-grey feathery foliage and flowers borne in profusion throughout the summer. The bright mix of double flowers in shades of orange, rose, salmon and gold will add a splash of colour to your sunny borders and containers. Hardy, easy to grow and very tolerant of poor, dry soils.
Sowing Advice
For best results, seeds are sown directly into the ground where required in the spring. Alternatively, sow in late winter/early spring in gentle warmth, 15-20 degrees C. Prick out into small 3 inch or 7 cm. pots and plant in final position when the plants are established.
Key Facts
Common name:Californian Poppy
Classification:Hardy annual
Packet Content:100+ (Approx)