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Scabiosa Graminifolia
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This clumping, evergreen perennial with silver-green, grass-like leaves 15cm long is covered with tufts of silvery hairs. Summer-borne flowers are solitary, light purple, up to 4cm wide, and held on strong, narrow stalks. The name pincushion perfectly fits the description of the flower, with its rounded form. Bees and butterflies love this plant, which likes dry, hot, sunny conditions and would be suitable for a dry, sheltered wall.
Sowing Advice
Sow immediately at any time onto preferably a soil-based compost, covering with fine grit to approximately their own depth. Germination MAY be quicker if kept at 15 to 20 degrees C. but many seeds WILL NOT come up the year they are sown, needing winter chilling after sowing, and ONLY come up with natural spring germination.
Key Facts
Common name:Pincushion Flower
Classification:Hardy perennial
Packet Content:10+ (Approx)