Camellia Sinensis 'Darjeeling'


Camellia Sinensis 'Darjeeling'

$3.41 / packet

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This rarely seen or offered hardy evergreen plant boasts glossy green, pointed and, predictably, fragrant leaves which are smaller than other camelias. The appearance of delicate pure white flowers, with an enormous central boss of golden anthers, means that this shrub has more to offer than just a refreshing cuppa. If you can grow other varieties of Camellia in your garden chances are you’ll be able to grow this fabulous hardy evergreen shrub. It is the exclusive source of the highly-valued, genuine Darjeeling tea, which is an aromatic black tea, grown in the Darjeeling district of West Bengal, India. Darjeeling is grown for the leaves of the Chinese variety of Camellia sinesis var. sinesis, and is known as the champagne of teas for its delicate taste and flavours such as muscatel and is one of the most expensive teas due to its unique taste and very limited production. It is available in black, green, white and oolong, and when properly brewed yields a thin-bodied, light-coloured infusion with a floral aroma, and the flavour can include a tinge of musky spiciness sometimes described as "muscatel", although Darjeeling teas are marketed commercially as "black teas". Tea is the most important non-alcoholic beverage in the world, and over three million tonnes are grown annually, so grow your own if you are adventurous! Genuine true seeds!

Sowing Advice

Seeds have already been thoroughly cleaned and cold-stored for several months. Sow into well-drained, sandy compost at any time of year, cover to their own depth with sand or grit. No artificial heat is needed; seed tray is best left in a cool protected spot and kept moist. Seeds usually germinate in spring, regardless of when sown.

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Key Facts


Common name:TEA PLANT Thea chinensis, Tea Tree, Chai

Classification:Hardy shrub


Packet Content:5 (Approx)

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