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Impatiens Balsamina
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Garden balsam is a frost-tender annual. The sparsely branched succulent stems can grow up to 30" tall but frequently exceeds this height in the wild. The vibrant cup-shaped flowers come in various shades of white, pink, red, and a bicolor version. It prefers a moist setting and has a low tolerance for drought conditions. An ideal plant for containers and areas along walks or paths.
Sowing Advice
For best results, seeds are sown directly into the ground where required in the spring. Alternatively, sow in late winter/early spring in gentle warmth, 15-20 degrees C. Prick out into small 3 inch or 7 cm. pots and plant in final position when the plants are established.
Key Facts
Common name:Balsam, Garden Balsam, Rose Balsam
Classification:Half hardy annual, Hardy annual
Packet Content:40 (Approx)