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Arum Dioscoridis
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Large green spathes with smooth velvety jet-black blotches inside surround a black spadix. This vigorous, impressive and hardy plan, which excels in rich woodland, humus and shade, has proved to be one of the most popular Arum species in regular cultivation. The only drawback is that it has one of the strongest smelling spathes of the genus, this is used to attract pollinating flies! Thankfully that is short-lived.
Sowing Advice
For best results, sow seeds as soon as you receive them onto a good soil-based compost. Cover the seeds with fine grit or compost to approximately their own depth. These seeds can be very slow indeed to germinate, and may wait for spring before emerging whenever sown. Do not use artificial heat to try to germinate them as it will simply disrupt their germination mechanism. Please be very patient, and do not discard the seed pan.
Key Facts
Classification:Hardy perennial
Packet Content:6 (Approx)