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Pepper Peter Pepper
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A very hot pepper indeed, it sits very near to the top of the hot pepper scale, above the Jalapeno, and at between 10,000 and 20,000 Scoville units of heat, which parallels the famous Serrano pepper in terms of overall pungency. The taste is similar to the bright, crisp taste of the jalapeño, but is just a fraction sweeter. This rather rude and phallic-looking pepper usually grows to between four and six inches long, and ripens from green to a shocking-red, adding even more to the description of "The Most Pornographic Pepper" by Organic Gardening Magazine. Indeed, we were rather reluctant to sell such an offensive-looking thing, and we hope you will forgive us.
Sowing Advice
Surface-sow or barely cover the seeds indoors, and keep moist and warm above 20C. (Peppers generally demand warmer conditions than tomatoes to germinate successfully). When sprouts appear move them to a sunny window. Set out well-developed transplants when weather is warm. Peppers need rich moist soil and warm sunny conditions to flourish. Best sown in early spring. Unlike many peppers, these do far better in a hot greenhouse.
Key Facts
Common name:Chilly Willy, Penis Pepper, Giggle Pepper.
Packet Content:10 (Approx)