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Iris Zenaidae
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Similar in form to Iris magnifica, this choice plant has superb, large flowers of deep violet-blue to cobalt, with a spotted and striped white or violet crest. Lush broad leaves with generally 2 or 3 compact flowers per stem produce a striking specimen, and although very rare it is easy to produces a healthy plant in cultivation.
Sowing Advice
Sow seeds at any time covering them very thinly with compost or grit, and leaving some of the seed showing, as light can initiate germination, just as in the wild, and leave in a well-lit, warm spot. Sometimes, artificial heat may not be needed, and may prevent germination, as some species will only germinate in the spring after being chilled in the moist seed tray. Grow on in sharply draining compost in a pot, or the open ground.
Key Facts
Common name:Iris graeberiana Sealy
Classification:Hardy perennial
Packet Content:5 (Approx)