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Beautiful spray like clusters of showy white flowers form conspicuous, long, bottlebrush-looking flower heads, very late in the year when most other flowers have long-gone. Found in north western USA and western coast of Canada it has many medicinal and other properties, for example it is reputed to repels insects, hence its name "Bugbane". Unlike other members of the genus Actaea most of which bear berries, the few seeds are produced in green pods, resembling those of aconitums. ... Learn More$3.00
(10 seeds)
One of the most beautiful late summer and autumn flowers, this very hardy and long-lived plant has white spring flowers on low shiny leaves, giving way in autumn to waxy white berries on thick, attractive scarlet stems. The common name, "doll's eyes" is quite appropriate. "There is nothing like it - a real August treasure", says Graham Stuart Thomas. ... Learn More$3.31
(10 seeds)
Sprays of white feathery flowers give way to sprays of shining bright red berries in summer and autumn. This is a superb and very long-lived plant, which is ideal for a shady spot. ... Learn More$2.69
(10 seeds)