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A show-stopping bloom of five-petaled, perfumed yellow flowers bloom in 8-18" pendulous, terminal racemes covers the tree with profuse bloom. Leaves return as the flowering progresses, although it is often considered to be semi-evergreen because of this brief loss of leaves. A second less significant bloom often occurs later in the season but without loss of leaves. It will tolerate light brief frost, but can get damaged if frost persists. It is the national flower of Thailand, its yellow flowers symbolizing Thai royalty, and is also native to India, Malaysia and Southeast Asia, and is well-kn ... Learn More$2.95
(10 seeds)
When in flower, this is one of the most handsome trees of Central America, being valued especially for its dazzling floral display, especially along the Pacific lowlands, reminding one of apple trees, by both the form of the tree and the colouring of the blossoms. Petals are red at first, but gradually become pink and then peach as they age giving an unusual effect as spring progresses. ... Learn More$2.95
(10 seeds)
Beautiful crimson and pink flowers open in compact bunches on this fast-growing, deciduous or semi-deciduous tree which flowers in spring and sheds its leaves in the winter months. Although its origin is in Southeast Asia, it has been extensively grown in tropical areas worldwide as a straight-trunked garden tree owing to its impressive appearance at all times of the year. Its flower is the provincial flower of Chainat Province, Thailand, and indeed it is one of Thailand's Nine Auspicious Trees as it is said to bring good luck, ensure continued high rank and afford victory to all who grow it! ... Learn More$2.95
(10 seeds)
This outstandingly beautiful, medium-sized tree bears bright deep-pink flowers with shades of orange and red. Originating in Eastern India, it produces large-seeded long pods containing a black cathartic pulp which has been used as a horse medicine. ... Learn More$2.95
(8 seeds)
Cassia moschata, commonly known as Bronze Shower or Musk Cassia, is a semi-deciduous tree native to Central and South America, ranging from southern Mexico to northern Brazil. It features a wide-spreading crown and can reach heights of up to 20 meters. The tree is renowned for its spectacular, pendulous inflorescences comprising 25–70 golden yellow to coppery flowers that bloom when the tree is mostly leafless, creating a striking visual display. The flowers emit a musk-like fragrance, adding to its ornamental appeal. Thriving in full sun and well-drained soils, Cassia moschata is drought-t ... Learn More$2.95
(10 seeds)