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From the high mountains of central and eastern Europe comes this rare alpine gem which makes a compact cushion of small silver-grey leaves supporting numerous bright yellow flowers. It will make an ideal subject for a well-drained dry scree, rockery, or alpine house. ... Learn More$2.98
New and rarely-offered, this fabulous alpine-house, rockery or wall plant produces solid cushions of tiny velvety silvery-grey leaves, which disappear in spring under sheets of thousands of tightly packed, fragrant golden flowers, and is as choice as you can get with a spring alpine. It is native to the high mountains of Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. ... Learn More$2.98
(10 seeds)
One of the essential flowers for a hot rockery, this perpetual favourite produces bright sheets of yellow flowers over clumps of grey-green leaves. Will self-seed when happy even on the hottest, driest bank. ... Learn More$2.42
This curious flower looks just like any dwarf alyssum with yellow flowers over a tight, woody green cushion in early spring, but then the flower stems stand up and the seed pods expand, just like little balloons! This curiously attractive flower is perfect for a raised bed or rockery. ... Learn More$2.42
(12 seeds)