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This encrusted saxifrage makes a tight mat of very small compact rosettes which have silver-edged, dark-green leaves, and arching, dividing stems that bear sprays of pure white flowers in summer. It comes from the mountains of central and southern Europe, where it lives on limestone screes and rocks, and will do best if grown in tufa, but if in the open garden, it is best kept out of full sun. ... Learn More$2.95
A robust, easily-grown silver 'encrusted' saxifrage making handsome clumps of lime-encrusted rosettes which are attractive throughout the year. The long branched arching flower stems appear in early summer, bearing fragrant, red-spotted, white flowers. It is hardy and tough and very beautiful. 30 seeds or more approx per packet, seed is very small, take care when opening. ... Learn More$2.95
(30 seeds)
This rare mossy saxifrage, restricted to the Cevennes region of Southern France, makes an exceptionally tight, dark green "mossy" dome, completely covered in yellow-eyed white flowers in spring. ... Learn More$2.95
In early summer, from a dense, solid cushion consisting of compact evergreen rosettes of spoon-shaped, mid-green leaves with lime-encrusted margins, arise dense hairy sprays of rounded, sometimes red or yellow-spotted, white flowers in early summer. It performs well in a moderately fertile, very well drained scree or rockery. ... Learn More$3.20
(120+ seeds)
Dense mats of medium sized, unusually narrow, lime-encrusted, silvery rosettes erupt with red-stemmed Inflorescences, 12-24cm high carrying branched panicles of small starry flowers with long yellowish-white petals. These superb alpines grow on the Eastern Alps, including the Dolomites, and also in northern Yugoslavia on limestone rocks. ... Learn More$2.64
(20 seeds)
Masses of small yellow star-shaped flowers arise in spring and early summer on a low shiny cushion of tiny, rounded, succulent, heart-shaped leaves. They are special because, unlike most other saxifrages, they self-seed gently into cracks where very few other plants will grow or establish and, very much like erinus, rarely becomes a nuisance, ... Learn More$2.64
(170 seeds)
A tight rosette of silver encrusted leaves give way to a bright red flowering stem, which arises like a dragon's head from the blood-red-centred rosette, bearing sprays of pink flowers. The colony of rosettes will slowly expand to make a mounded stunning effect. These plants do best in a well drained soil in a trough or rock garden. ... Learn More$2.95
(20+ seeds)
This rare, bone-hardy, enigmatic, but vigorous plant forms a rosette of coarsely-toothed, kidney-shaped leaves, from which, in August, arise several stems bearing "night-sky" sprays of starry, dark purple-maroon flowers. It comes from partly shady wet spots, at the sides of streams and ravines on Japan's northern island, Hokkaido. Also on, Honshu, on the road from Takayama to Matsumoto! ... Learn More$2.95
This fully hardy, perennial evergreen alpine opens its sprays of pink-eyed white flowers on thin hairy stems in late spring and early summer. Basal rosettes of rounded, spoon-like leaves, toothed at the edges, form most attractive slowly expanding carpets. ... Learn More$2.95
This hardy, "encrusted" type of Saxifrage, native to the United States, forms neat, tight rosettes of evergreen, dark-green, silvery edged, narrow leaves, and sprouts 15cm high stems bearing sprays of white flowers in April and May. Plants achieve best results in well-drained soil in a sunny position. ... Learn More$2.95
(20+ seeds)
This diminutive mat-forming, evergreen perennial bears small, dense rosettes of tiny, oval to oblong, lime-encrusted, silvery grey-green leaves and slender, red-flushed stems, bearing narrow, flat sprays of cup-shaped, white flowers in late spring and early summer. Perhaps one of the best 'encrusted saxifrages' the silver rosettes are very tiny and densely packed. A really choice alpine making a wonderful trough plant or for chinking into rock crevices. ... Learn More$2.95
This mixture will include most of the varieties we offer separately, and also a few rare and unknown species which are in too short supply to offer individually. These should include Spp. such as aretioides,canaliculata, corymbosa, marginata,opositifolia, and many more. ... Learn More$3.20
These lovely white star-shaped flowers with red calyces are borne on thin, wiry stems from June to August, and are marked with orange at the centre of each petal. These dwarf plants, which make tiny rosettes of fleshy, notched leaves, live in damp environments, such as on wet cliffs, beside streams or springs, or on wet rock ledges. ... Learn More$2.95
A very rare Catalan species blooming from June to August with almost stemless, disproportionately large, yellow-throated, white funnel-shaped flowers which are so dense as to often obscure the tight cushions of foliage, which are composed of most unusual, sticky, tacky, aromatic leaves (due to hairs on the leaves and stems). Its sole locus is in Eastern Spain, in the vicinity of Montseny near Barcelona. ... Learn More$2.95
Small pink or white flowers with notched petals appear from mid to late summer either singly or in pairs dotted over clumps of extremely fine, feathery foliage. This delightful and rarely seen or offered gem is naturally at home on rock faces or mountain scree slopes, where it is exceptionally well suited to a rock or alpine garden setting. ... Learn More$2.95
(30+ seeds)