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Almost too well known to need describing, this bright pink-flowered plant happily self-seeds if allowed, giving its reliable display of dried papery seed-heads every year. ... Learn More$2.40
Probably the most outstanding form of this deservedly popular, old favourite, the edges of the leaves are beautifully edged in cream, the fragrant purple spring flowers being followed by rounded "silver spoon" seed-pods which will self-seed and naturalise when happy. ... Learn More$2.40
(20 seeds)
In the wild this European native is found in damp woodland on chalk, although in cultivation it seems willing to grow almost anywhere, and in fact generally chooses the places where it feels most at home by self-seeding! It bears fragrant, purplish flowers in late spring and early summer which are followed by decorative mother-of-pearl coloured seed pods, but unlike on the annual forms, these are elliptical in shape, and taper to a point. ... Learn More$2.95
(10 seeds)