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Unlike the common garden stocks, the white form of the fragrant tree stock is rarely encountered. Slowly, with age, it develops a trunk supporting several radiating rosettes of grey lanceolate leaves, each rosette producing spikes of sweetly perfumed white flowers. It is hardy and long lived in a sheltered well-drained spot. ... Learn More$2.69
(50+ seeds)
An absolute must-have for any self-respecting garden - this night scented stock is beautiful to look at with luminous mauve flowers displayed against calming grey-green foliage, but truly comes into its own in warm summer evenings when it releases the most gorgeous gentle scent into the evening air. Sow directly into the soil wherever you can find space - preferably near a path or under a window. ... Learn More$2.69
(30+ seeds)
This lovely, semi-woody plant can be grown as either an annual or a perennial, being in flower from May to July. The fragrant pink or white flowers which give a good summer display are most attractive to bees and butterflies. ... Learn More$2.44
(50+ seeds)
This rare British native plant hold sprays of beautiful, fragrant, lavender-pink flowers from early summer onwards. Grey-green, flowering stems arise from an impressive rosette of grey, scallop-edged leaves. Grown in sand or well-drained soil this will make an impressive, 'fool-the-expert' specimen! It is also found in Spain, Turkey, and north-western Africa on rocky, sandy coasts. ... Learn More$3.00