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Palest moonlight buttermilk coloured blooms, like clouds of shimmering butterflies, produced all spring and summer. Admired greatly here where they naturalise gently along pathways. ... Learn More$2.42
This is one of the loveliest of the alpine buttercups with attractive grey-green, glaucous leaves, and short stems carrying open, golden-eyed, pure white flowers. These gems come from the Pyrenees, and the Cantabrian Mountains. ... Learn More$2.98
(8 seeds)
This rare, drought-proof, summer dormant, very late autumn-flowering buttercup, has bright yellow flower cups on elongated stems above a basal rosette of thick, veined, leathery leaves from September and into November. Rather resembling a celandine, but flowering at the opposite end of the year, it is ideal for any humus-rich, slightly moist soil in a protected, sunny spot. In the wild it is found from the Mediterranean islands through western Asia to Algeria, France and Greece. ... Learn More$2.98
One of the very biggest, and most impressive of all buttercups, this easy-to-grow giant opens enormous, bright green, maple-like leaves beneath large heads of large bunches of huge, shiny yellow buttercups, each with a bright green eye! This display continues until autumn when it dies completely away into a tuber, re-emerging again in early spring. This unexpectedly hardy plant is native to all of the Canary islands and will do best in rich, rather moist soils. ... Learn More$2.67
(20+ seeds)
One of our earliest spring flowers, just after the snowdrops, it can appear as early as the latter part of February where it makes carpets of golden stars on shiny green carpets of tightly-packed foliage. on the banks of streams and rivers, or else in the more shaded areas under hedgerows. A valuable addition to any garden, as the bright green shiny foliage is an astonishing annual weed suppressant. Annual seeds simply do not have light to survive until may or June, when the celandine's leaves promptly die completely away, leaving just tiny harmless tubers until the following February. Contra ... Learn More$2.98
(10+ seeds)
This lovely gem supplies valuable spring colour for the front of a border or rockery. Even experts are fooled by the long, sisyrinchium-like, glaucous leaves before the very long succession of butter-yellow saucers appears. It has no vices and is too seldom seen. ... Learn More$2.98
(30 seeds)
High in the alpine meadows of the European Alps lives this quite spectacular plant. Golden-eyed, ivory white saucers open in long succession on repeatedly dividing stems, giving a good season of bloom. Easy to grow in good, well-drained but moist soil, it will gently self-seed if you are fortunate! Very few fertile seeds available. ... Learn More$2.67
(6 seeds)