The Lilium genus, commonly known as Lily, is a timeless and elegant member of the Liliaceae family. These herbaceous perennials are celebrated for their large, trumpet-shaped or bowl-shaped flowers in a dazzling array of colours, including white, pink, orange, yellow, and red. Often fragrant, Lilium adds a touch of sophistication to borders, containers, and cutting gardens.

Native to temperate regions across the Northern Hemisphere, Lilium thrives in well-drained, fertile soils and sunny to partially shaded locations. These long-lived plants are ideal for adding vertical interest and are highly valued as cut flowers. Popular species such as Lilium regale (Regal Lily) and hybrids like Asiatic and Oriental Lilies are particularly admired for their vibrant blooms and captivating fragrance.

The Lilium genus combines beauty, versatility, and a touch of luxury, making it a favourite for gardeners and florists alike who seek stunning, long-lasting flowers.

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    This late-flowering species that is native to eastern Asia from Taiwan to Siberia, northern and central China and Japan, has one of the widest ranges of an Asiatic lily. These lovely brick-red flowered plants with reflexed petals are rarely offered in commerce, but they are excellent additions for well drained rock gardens and are easily grown from seed. Few seeds collected. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Lilium ciliatum, commonly known as the Tiger Lily or Leopard Lily, is a perennial flowering plant belonging to the Liliaceae family. The Tiger Lily is renowned for its large, showy flowers. Each stem bears a cluster of pendant or Turk's cap-shaped blossoms with recurved petals. The distinctive feature of these flowers is their striking color pattern, with orange to deep red petals adorned with dark spots, resembling the coat of a tiger or leopard. Lilium ciliatum typically grows from a bulb, producing tall, sturdy stems that can reach heights of 3 to 6 feet (about 1 to 2 meters). The lance-sha ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    Beautiful white, lightly scented flowers, in a turk's cap form, which are spotted with red and purple. Flowering in June and July with up to 6-8 blooms on each vertical stem, giving an eye-catching display. Originally from Asia, where it grows in forest margins, it prefers shade or part shade and a moist soil. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    A bed of these makes quite an unbelievable sight. Fragrant, chocolate-striped, three inch ivory trumpets open on very, very short stems, the long flower buds often opening as they bend to touch the ground. This unforgettable rockery plant can easily flower the first year from an early sowing. ... Learn More



    Large, white, fragrant trumpets, which are quite similar to Lilium leucanthum or Lilium regale, are held on strong stems, which carry only a few, dark green, shiny, very narrow lanceolate leaves. This is rather a rare plant in spite of being easy to grow. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Thick-petalled, scented, yellow-orange flowers, with chestnut-coloured spotting towards the centre, are produced in cartwheel-whorls up the stem, the individual petals being recurved rather than reflexed. This very decorative and attractive species is known from only a very few scattered locations in Korea and China. Very few good seeds collected. ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    In late summer numerous bright golden orange 'turkscap' flowers with strongly reflexed petals open on very tall stems. This very fine vigorous Chinese lily, which likes a position in dappled shade, is virtually indestructible, and with just a little support, will form tall, fabulous clumps. R.H.S. 'AGM' Award Winner. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    An unusual turkscap type lily from China, with strong stems bearing delicate pale pink pagoda flowers spotted with crimson that exude a strong sweet scent. A stoloniferous lime tolerant species, but it is not invasive, loving to run about in soft leafy soil with added humus that does not get too wet if possible. It does not appear above ground until late May but carries on flowering well into July. ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    Beautiful bright yellow flowers are spotted with dark chocolate, in a turk's cap form with recurved petals. With up to 20 flowers on each slender, dark stem, this is a stunning lily for the garden border, providing a striking contrast in colour. Best in full sun or part shade, and moist, well drained soil. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    From China comes this strong-growing plant that makes strong stems with large, powerfully fragrant, greenish-yellow-throated, white flared bells. It is very hardy and will make a large clump over the years. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    Each stem of this rare and outstandingly beautiful small lily carries ivory coloured open bowls, which hang slightly downwards and are sometimes very pale pink inside, and flushed reddish purple outside. Quite a newly-discovered flower, it was originally collected by Frank Kingdon Ward in 1946 from the mountains of northern India, near the border with Burma, when it was originally thought to be a nomocharis, and he named it after his second wife, Jean Macklin. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This strong-growing lily forms a clump of erect stems bearing whorls of narrow leaves and with large racemes of nodding, glossy purplish-pink flowers with recurved petals in early summer, with the occasional odd plant flowering white. Hardy and long-lived it is a valuable addition to any garden. ... Learn More


    (18+ seeds)


    A very unique martagon, with frosted buds and with blooms opening to a pale blush with yellow, then orange, with darker spots of brown . Flowering in June bringing a varying colour palette to the garden in just one plant. Best suited to full sun or partial shade with well drained or even moist soil.    ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)


    This unusual and most attractive form was developed at the famous Inshriach Nursery in Scotland, its attractively-brushed rose flowers opening on dark stems in June and July. This flower is easy to cultivate and will even thrive in dry shade. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    This stunning lily mix has masses of unique recurved flower heads, blooming in a wide variety of colours from pink and orange, to yellow and cream. Produced on tall upright stems, they really stand out in any border at an eye-catching height or can be planted out in pots and containers in smaller gardens. Flowering from June to August they put on an impressive display throughout the summer months and are popular with bees and other pollinators, as their downward-facing blooms offer protection from predators. ... Learn More


    (50 seeds)

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