The Gunnera genus, commonly known as Giant Rhubarb, is a bold and prehistoric-looking member of the Gunneraceae family. These herbaceous perennials are celebrated for their massive, umbrella-like leaves that can span several feet across, creating dramatic architectural impact in gardens. Gunnera is ideal for adding a sense of grandeur to borders, water features, and damp areas.

Native to tropical and temperate regions of South America, Africa, and Asia, Gunnera thrives in rich, moist, and well-drained soils in sunny to partially shaded locations. These moisture-loving plants are particularly suited to pond edges and bog gardens. The species Gunnera manicata, or Chilean Rhubarb, is especially admired for its colossal leaves and striking presence in large garden landscapes.

The Gunnera genus combines dramatic foliage and ecological value, making it a perfect choice for gardeners seeking to create lush, eye-catching displays in damp or water-adjacent settings.

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    A rare form of Gunnera growing up to 3m tall. The petioles can be up to 2.5m long and can sometimes be red. The toothed, large umbrella-like leaves can grow up to 2m wide and grow in a rosette arrangement. The conical, red flower clusters can grow up to 1metre tall. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Certainly one of the largest hardy herbaceous plants which can be grown in the U.K. producing large, puckered and lobed leaves on spiky stems above huge statuesque spikes of tiny reddish-green flowers. Near water this plant can grow enormous. ... Learn More


    (400+ seeds)


    Rare and quite unique, this deciduous, dwarf, very hardy plant has large tuberous roots and most attractive, beautiful, fluted, relatively small to medium round leaves on long stems. It makes an ideal foliage plant for damp, sunny places in a large garden or park. The attractive flower spikes are a pinkish reddish brown colour, resembling stretched out strawberries! It also thrives in wet places, especially where there is fresh flowing water such as at the edges of streams. A neat and desirable plant, it has been around for the last 95 million years, and belongs to one of the oldest angiosper ... Learn More



    Even more attractive than Gunnera flavida. Slightly larger bronze foliage and finger-sized spikes of lipstick red berries in profusion from summer until Christmas. ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)

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