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Large, vibrant, rose-pink, fragrant, tubular, trumpet-shaped flowers sit upon tall stems rising to more than one metre, and these bloom from late spring to early summer. Occasionally white-flowered seedlings may appear. Foliage is attractive fans of sword-shaped, iris-like green leaves. The genus name honours Sir William Watson (1715-1787), English scientist and physician, who discovered this species on the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean, once called Ile Bourbon in honor of the Bourbon kings of France. ... Learn More$2.98
(20 seeds)
The lovely Bugle Lily, native to the hills of South Africa, has sword-shaped leaves above which open delicate, soft-apricot coloured flowers, borne on a tall spike-like inflorescence, and that do actually resemble a bugle. Seeds ripen in late summer and finally in late autumn clusters of small brown bulbils form high on the dying stems, and can be easily picked off to start new colonies elsewhere before they fall! ... Learn More$3.41
(5 seeds)
The lovely Bugle Lily, native to the hills of South Africa, has sword-shaped leaves above which open delicate, soft-apricot coloured flowers, borne on a tall spike-like inflorescence, and that do actually resemble a bugle. Seeds ripen in late summer and finally in late autumn clusters of small brown bulbils form high on the dying stems, and can be easily picked off to start new colonies elsewhere before they fall! ... Learn More$3.22
(10 seeds)
In early summer strong erect stems display heads of stunning, brilliant orange flowers which bloom for many weeks, making it a constantly-producing amazing cut flower. A protected location such as close to a south or west facing wall is preferable, where it is capable of freezing to the ground in extreme cold, and then re-growing vigorously, and still blooming in late spring to early summer! Rich, well-drained soil with regular summer moisture will ensure constant flowering, but if allowed to go completely dry in summer, just as with other watsonias, it will die back, returning with the firs ... Learn More$3.22
(10 seeds)