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    Very rarely offered, this gorgeous dwarf erodium, one of the most beautiful of this sizeable family, opens its exceptionally attractive large flowers in a strong cerise colour, all carried in good-sized heads held well clear of the foliage. It has a superficial resemblance to Erodium manescavii but is barely half the size. Unlike many other varieties it perpetually produces new stems for most of the summer, the compact, parsley-like, deeply cut leaves adding value to its flattened clumps. It also makes a perfect large specimen over a long season when planted on its own in a suitable container ... Learn More


    (4 seeds)


    A fascinating plant from Sicily. Large violet blue flowers are produced all summer, followed by remarkable, enormous corkscrew seeds which are commercially used for making hygrometers (to measure dampness) - wet one and watch what slowly happens! ... Learn More


    (4 seeds)


    Deepest lilac-pink flowers are produced for many months over a cascading clump of lovely feathery leaves. A beautiful, long-flowering, very long-lived plant that will put on a superb show for year after year where others will not survive. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This gorgeous and valuable plant produces violet-veined white flowers above fragrant crinkly leaves over an incredibly long period, from the end of winter until midsummer and spasmodically thereafter. It is much admired in our gardens and is bone hardy, although its exotic appearance does not give this impression. (Syn. or very close to Erodium trifolium). ... Learn More


    (15 seeds)

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