The Habranthus genus, commonly known as Rain Lily, is a graceful member of the Amaryllidaceae family. These bulbous perennials are celebrated for their delicate, funnel-shaped flowers in shades of pink, white, or yellow, which emerge after rain showers, adding a spontaneous burst of colour to gardens. Habranthus is ideal for borders, containers, and naturalised plantings.

Native to Central and South America, Habranthus thrives in well-drained soils and sunny to partially shaded locations. These drought-tolerant plants are perfect for dry gardens and warm climates. Popular species such as Habranthus robustus and Habranthus tubispathus are particularly admired for their vibrant blooms and ability to naturalise easily.

The Habranthus genus combines beauty, resilience, and low-maintenance care, making it a charming choice for gardeners seeking colourful plants that thrive in dry and sunny environments.

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    AS absolutely exquisite plant which thrusts up close-packed bunches of large cream trumpets, delicately brushed in pink. In a well-drained, dry environment these plants will spread by seed and offsets! ... Learn More



    This mix of "miniature Amaryllis" plants have gorgeous golden or cream funnel-shaped blooms emerging from broad grey-green leaves. For a well-drained rockery or a pot in the conservatory. The mixture is made of several different varieties collected in quantities too small to sell individually. ... Learn More



    These very large, Hippeastrum-like flowers, bright pink with a paler eye, can multiply rapidly and soon carpet the garden in late spring. In a warm spot in the UK, or in warmer countries, they are one of the most impressive plants that can be allowed to naturalise. ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    These attractive plants from South America have orange funnel-shaped flowers, striped darker underneath. They are perfect for a well-drained rockery or even a pot in the conservator, where they form attractive clumps which then produce a steady flow of blooms over a long period. R.H.S. 'AGM' Award Winner ... Learn More


    (75+ seeds)


    Habranthus tubispathus var. texensis, commonly known as the Texas Rain Lily or Copper Lily, is a charming perennial bulb native to Texas and neighboring regions. This variety is known for its warm coppery-orange to yellow flowers that bloom sporadically, often triggered by rainfall. The funnel-shaped flowers rise above slender, grass-like foliage, making it an attractive addition to rock gardens, borders, or naturalized meadow plantings. Its delicate beauty belies its toughness, as it thrives in a range of soils and is drought-tolerant once established. This plant is a favorite among pollinato ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    Sizeable, strong, red-throated pink flowers, which deepen as they mature, are flushed strongly outside with deep madder. In the wild flowers are borne freely from June to September with sporadic blooms through the year, whenever moisture follows a dry period. In cultivation do not overwater them though. They are easily grown in a pot or greenhouse in any fertile, well-drained compost, which should be kept dryish over the summer. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    A distant relative of the enormous, showy, florist's bulbs, this dwarf African mountain gem has the same opulent regal look as its larger brethren! Beautiful flared golden goblets, delicately pencilled in crimson, open in springtime. Makes a stunning addition to a protected raised bed, or even better in a pot where it can be taken indoors to admire its perfection. ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)

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