The Solanum genus, commonly known as Nightshade, is a diverse and fascinating member of the Solanaceae family. These annuals, perennials, shrubs, and vines are celebrated for their wide-ranging forms, ornamental flowers, and, in some species, edible fruits such as tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants. Solanum adds versatility and utility to both ornamental and edible gardens.

Native to temperate and tropical regions worldwide, Solanum thrives in well-drained soils and sunny locations, with some species tolerating partial shade. Popular ornamental species include Solanum jasminoides, or Potato Vine, admired for its delicate, star-shaped white or blue flowers, and Solanum dulcamara, or Bittersweet Nightshade, valued for its striking purple flowers and red berries. Edible varieties like Solanum lycopersicum (Tomato) and Solanum tuberosum (Potato) are staples in home gardens and agriculture.

The Solanum genus combines beauty, practicality, and ecological value, making it a perfect choice for gardeners seeking plants that offer both ornamental appeal and agricultural significance.

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    This startling plant is also called "Purple Devil", "Malevolence", and the "Five Minute Plant", the latter on account of how long a newcomer will stare at this amazing plant. Purple-black stems carry black thorns, attractive purplish, crinkled thorny leaves and yellow flowers turning to inedible creamy-yellow fruits. ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    This lovely British native is a semi-woody scrambling plant bearing pretty violet flowers which have a pronounced yellow 'beak'. In autumn, just like fruit hanging from a line, which is the dried out vine.... extremely ornamental red berries appear, hanging in grape-like clumps, which are happily eaten by birds but are certainly not edible for humans. ... Learn More


    (40+ seeds)


    This rare and truly impressive large shrub or tree grows up to 20 ft. high, with very large, violet "potato-like" flowers up to 3 in. diam. Truly an exotic and impressive tropical specimen, this "Giant Potato Tree" is a large bushy shrub that can grow into a medium-height tree, and be beautifully adorned with stunning flowers all year round! It is a rare treat indeed to see purple blossoms on a tree! And more amazing is that its gorgeous blossoms come in three wonderful shades, changing successively from deep purple to lavender to white. Hence, you can enjoy all the fabulous colours on the tre ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    A truly amazing-looking plant producing positively inedible, ornamental fruits which resemble a cow's udder at one end and human breast at the other, and with lots of rather rude common names too! Although it is perennial it can be grown as an annual, and is related to the naranjilla and tomato with large velvety leaves with purple veins and furry hair, along with prominent spikes. The branches and stems are also dotted with firm thorns. The pink-purple flowers develop during spring and are followed by the waxy, yellow colored fruit ripening a few months later. It has been used in traditional ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    The gorgeous round fruits of the Melon pear are cream skinned with purple streaks and have deliciously sweet and juicy flesh which is a succulent mixture of honeydew melon and cucumber. It is grown in a manner similar to its relatives such as the tomato, although it grows naturally upright by habit, and can thus be grown as a free-standing bush. Supports are sometimes used to keep the heavy crop of fruit from pulling the plant down. It has a fast growth rate, bearing fruit within 4 to 6 months after planting, and seeds are rarely produced in the UK. Although it is strictly a perennial, making ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    These attractive orange fruits have a refreshing citrus flavour, sometimes described as a combination of rhubarb and lime, and the bright green juice is often used as a drink. Naranjilla are quite delicate plants and need protection from strong winds and direct sunlight, in hot countries growing best in partial shade. The attractive, felted, large green leaves have a warm purply hue, but are covered in sharp prickles, the biggest ones hidden beneath the leaves. Solanum quitoense is native to South America where it is often found at quite high altitudes, but in cultivation, in cooler climes, it ... Learn More


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