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    Olive green flowers have yellow tones at their throats, the recurving tepals being stained velvety maroon, almost black. The lance-shaped, glaucous green leaves appear first, the flowers growing on stems slightly shorter than the foliage. The blooms have a delicate fragrance that will increase in sunshine, or even a warm room making it in irresistible cut flower. A native of the Mediterranean region, It is grown from tuberous bulbs planted in the autumn, growing best in full sun to partial shade, and requiring well-drained, warm soil. In can naturalise in grassy areas and grows well in rock ga ... Learn More


    (6 seeds)


    A Potentilla that has well-balanced but dwarf habit which carries crimson red flowers in the summer over foliage that has an eye-catching silver lustre Ideal Conditions:Prefers full sun, or partial shade with free-draining soil or compost. ... Learn More


    (20 seeds)


    Up to seven creamy white flowers, partly hidden by the foliage, emerge in early spring at the end of each branch, on thin wiry stems, which emerge from the ground and branch in lovely layered patterns. Bright green leaves mature to a rich dark green, then later in summer large, conspicuous, bright orange-red berries dangle from the tips, making this a beautiful and interesting easy-to-grow perennial. This species is native to western North America from Vancouver Island in British Columbia south, to Monterey County in California, where It grows in shady forest and woodland including redwood for ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    Seemingly not in cultivation. We can find no references. Masses of medium sized pink flowers on a dense shrub. Vladimir, our botanist guide, asserts that this is the best rose for grafting purposes, but not apparently discovered in the West. ... Learn More



    The lovely "Dog Rose" is native to Europe, North West Africa and western Asia. It makes a perfect addition to a wild garden and is often used for hedging. The gorgeous flowers can vary from deep pink to almost white, maturing into attractive, oval 1.5–2 cm red-orange fruit, or hip or hep! The flesh of the fruit is noted for its high vitamin C level, and is used to make syrup, tea and marmalade, and indeed it has been grown or encouraged in the wild for the production of vitamin C from its fruit (often as rose-hip syrup), especially during conditions of scarcity or during wartime. ... Learn More


    (10+ seeds)


    These incredible, compact, disease-resistant plants will flower surprisingly quickly from seed, even in four months! We did not believe it until we trialled them! Yes, all this from seed! Sweetly-scented blooms, in a range of shades through pink to white, appear on this beautiful miniature rose, which is perfect for growing in pots, although if grown in the ground it will become a low growing, hardy perennial shrub. The rarely-seen and unique Fairy Rose is a Polyantha, with many clusters of blooms, and they are valued for their profuse clumps of ever-blooming double and single flowers, which a ... Learn More


    (8 seeds)


    Native to Europe and southwest Asia, this lovely rose bears fragrant, paler-centred pink flowers throughout spring and early summer. A vigorous plant, it is ideal in the wild garden or covering an unsightly wall! ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)

  8. New


    A healthy, tough and extremely vigorous rose with spreading growth, bearing masses of pure white flowers, with a strong sweet fragrance, which are held in beautiful, flat-topped, cascading clusters. These can sometimes be made up of hundreds of individual flowers each facing outwards, exposing a cluster of pretty yellow stamens. The heavy masses of perfumed flowers are most attractive to bees, making it a good choice for a wildlife garden, and also for growing through large trees, or to cover large unsightly buildings or walls. The Royal Horticultural Society has given it its prestigious Aw ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)

  9. New


    Rosa gallica, commonly known as the Gallica Rose, is a historical and well-recognized species within the rose family, Rosaceae. Known for its significance in horticulture and cultural history, this species has a straightforward yet enduring presence. The Gallica Rose is characterized by its deciduous shrub habit, typically reaching a height of 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters). The stems are armed with thorns, and the pinnate leaves consist of several small leaflets. The flowers of Rosa gallica are notable for their simple, five-petaled structure and appear in a range of colors, including shades ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    This rose is one of the only species worth growing from seed, all aspects being desirable. Thornless, purple-red stems of unusually-attractive ruby-grey leaves, and pale-centred, cerise pink flowers, age to bunches of dark red hips, which persist after the leaves have fallen in the autumn making a dazzling display. Superb as a bush, but magnificent as a standard if you have patience to train one. ... Learn More


    (25 seeds)


    For several weeks in summer, this lovely, vigorous rambling rose produces dense, arching branches bearing large clusters of single white flowers with a rich fruity fragrance, which slowly fade to red producing an attractive bi-colour effect. These are later followed by lush red hips in autumn, and are much loved by birds which feed on these fruits and disperse its seeds widely. It is absolutely ideal for covering a wall or shed, especially north-facing walls as it is more tolerant of shade than other roses. ... Learn More


    (80+ seeds)


    This rare and beautiful rose comes from the Central Iberian/sub-Mediterranean areas, where it makes dense deciduous thickets smothered in fragrant pale pink flowers. Its preferred habitat is deep, moist soils, especially in the supra-Mediterranean zone of the Meseta, the Ebro basin, the Cordillera Central, the Southern Iberian Range, the Montes de Toledo, and the Sierra Morena mountains, where it grows in association with Berberis hispanica and Prunus spinosa ("Sloe") ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)


    Large shocking pink single rose flowers, with petals like tissue paper, stand out like beacons against the deeply-veined, large bright green leaves ultimately giving way to fat, glossy orange hips that are just as attractive as the flowers. This is a fast-growing rose with a dense and bushy habit that makes it a good choice for a summer-flowering hedge with autumn interest. The extremely thorny stems make it a good deterrent barrier too. ... Learn More


    (20+ seeds)


    Very similar to ‘Roseraie de l’Hay’, these flowers are truly fully double and bright silky magenta in colour, and have a deep and lovely "Old Rose" fragrance. It produces intermittent flowers throughout the summer and autumn, extending the season of colour in the garden. It was originally selected by Schaum Van Tol in1865. Very few fertile seeds collected. Seedlings may vary but all should be very lovely. ... Learn More


    (5 seeds)


    This delicate, small suckering shrub boasts pretty, single, creamy-white flowers, up to 2 in. across (5 cm), in late spring to early summer. Sweetly scented, these are borne in profusion on prickly stems bearing handsome, fern-like foliage of bright green leaves that are composed of rounded, delicate leaflets. As an extra bonus, the blossoms are followed by sizeable, spherical, purplish-black fruits. Disease, salt and drought tolerant, this beautiful species rose is perfect as a groundcover or as a low hedge. A hardy, tough and reliable plant, it is extremely suitable for use on poor soil and ... Learn More


    (10 seeds)

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