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Rosettes of heart shaped, mid-green leaves with pale green marbling bear pink flowers with 5 reflexed petals and dark pink bases to each petal, which appear prior to the leaves from August until October. Tubers produce roots from the top, sides, and bottom, unlike Cyclamen hederifolium, which produces roots from the top and sides, but not the bottom. Being native to northern Algeria and Tunisia it needs a leafy, well-drained soil in light shade and bulbs should be kept dry during their dormancy. ... Learn More$2.95
(10 seeds)
Pale to rose pink flowers with a magenta blotch at the nose, and smelling noticeably of honey, bloom in autumn above rosettes of deep green oval leaves with silvery markings. If frosted, the leaves generally recover with a second flush. As it grows in coniferous woodlands at 700–2,000 m elevation in the Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey, it enjoys decayed pine needle litter incorporated in the compost if this is obtainable. ... Learn More$3.87
(15 seeds)
Cyclamen coum is spring flowering, unlike the more commonly encountered Cyclamen hederifolium, and is completely hardy and relatively easy, flowering from January onwards. Its rosy pink flowers are a useful compliment to snowdrops, winter aconites and other early spring flowering bulbs, even thriving under trees and in short grass where it usually self-seeds! In the wild it is found in the mountains and coastal areas that border the southern and eastern Black Sea coasts from Bulgaria in the west through Georgia and the Crimea in the east. ... Learn More$3.87
(10 seeds)
This is a complete mix of all colours of this lovely flower which is spring flowering, unlike the more commonly encountered Cyclamen hederifolium. It is completely hardy and relatively easy, flowering from January onwards when the mixture of pinks and also white flowers are a useful compliment to snowdrops, winter aconites and other early spring flowering bulbs, even thriving under trees and in short grass where it usually self-seeds! In the wild it is found in the mountains and coastal areas that border the southern and eastern Black Sea coasts from Bulgaria in the west through Georgia and t ... Learn More$3.63
(20 seeds)
In late autumn and winter, above rosettes of grey-green leaves with deep purple reverse, bloom heads of extremely fragrant white or pale pink flowers with a magenta blotch near the nose and petals twisted into small propellers. These gems are native to woodland at 300–1,200 m elevation in the mountains of Cyprus. ... Learn More$3.38
(10 seeds)
Rosettes of superbly marked and marbled leaves surround bunches of rose-petalled flowers, blotched at the base and veined in red. Autumn flowering Cyclamen graecum is a very variable species with a wild distribution which includes the southern parts of the mainland of Greece and the south coast of Turkey, and part of the north of Cyprus. In cultivation, some forms of the plant will stand significant frost particularly if the tuber is deeply planted. There is also evidence that flowering is encouraged if the plant receives a degree of baking in the summer, as long as there is a little moistur ... Learn More$3.38
(20+ seeds)
Plants produce handsome silver-marked foliage with red, pink or ivory white flowers in August and September. They are completely hardy and relatively easy, naturalising by self-seeding. Cyclamen hederifolium has a wide distribution stretching from south eastern France, through Italy, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, (including Crete and many of the Aegean Islands). It is very tolerant of dry shade being summer deciduous, coming back to life with the late summer rains. ... Learn More$2.64
(10 seeds)
This is the lovely pure white form of this hardy species. It blooms and sprouts leaves in autumn, grows through the winter, and flowers from August to October with brilliant white blooms, ranging from 3 to 5 inches tall. Leaf color varies from all-green to all-silver, but the most common is a Christmas tree or hastate pattern in silver or pewter and various shades of green. It is native to woodland, shrubland, and also rocky areas in the Mediterranean region from southern France to western Turkey as well as on the Mediterranean islands, and naturalized farther north into Europe and in the P ... Learn More$3.38
(20 seeds)
This valuable mixture contains many different variants of this lovely hardy plant. Colours will range from deepest pink to pure white with all variations in between. ... Learn More$3.20
(20 seeds)
Seemingly forged from pure metallic pewter with silvery markings, the leaves alone are worth growing the plant for, although the strong pink flowers that open in the autumn complete the perfect picture of one of the most beautiful plants you can grow! This long-lived plant is easy anywhere, even in dry shade under trees, or even in a pot! ... Learn More$4.61
(10 seeds)
This delightful dwarf, which is similar to Cyclamen cilicium but smaller, has beautiful flowers, which are white with grey veins or pale pink, and appear from August until November, emerging either before or along with the leaves which are almost round, and either plain green or attractively marbled in the centre. Although this diminutive gem is quite hardy, due to its small stature, it is usually grown in pots or in an alpine garden. In the wild it is found in oak woodland in scattered spots at 100–1000 metres in western Turkey. ... Learn More$3.63
(10 seeds)
Early in the year white or pale pink flowers open which gradually deepen in colour to a clear brilliant white. Possibly hardy in the warmer parts of the UK, it is best grown in an alpine house. It has in recent years proved to be quite hardy, tolerating temperatures as low as -12ºC in a sheltered, well-drained spot, but it will not tolerate both low temperatures and wet conditions. ... Learn More$3.38
(8 seeds)
This species has attractive leaves often marked in pink or silvery-grey, and bears in autumn, pale pink flowers with a small purple basal blotch. These are generally sub-orbicular with shallow dentations at the margins. The upper surface often has silvery markings, but very often there are carmine-pink zones which are especially pronounced when the leaves are immature, and often ages to a silvery grey. In some forms the red colouring covers the entire surface of the leaf, ageing to an allover silver wash. This form is available in cultivation under the name C. mirabile 'Tilebarn Ann'. An inte ... Learn More$3.87
(12 seeds)
With striking pink, then silver leaf markings, and flowers that are usually fragrant, this is one of the finer forms bred by Peter More of Tilebarn. In the wild, the original form of C. mirabile grows in an area of Anatolia with temperatures as low as -16ºC therefore its hardiness is not in doubt, mature leaves will go limp and recover when temperatures rise. However, it will survive low temperatures better if growing in relatively dry conditions and does well either in raised beds or around the base of trees or shrubs. C. mirabile is another species which enjoys decayed pine-needle litter inc ... Learn More$4.00
(10 seeds)
These wild plants have large heart-shaped leaves, sometimes up to 3 or 4 inches across, usually green with lighter marbling on the upper surface. Very fragrant flowers bloom from winter to spring (var. persicum) or in autumn (var. autumnale) and usually white to pale pink flowers with a band of deep pink to magenta at the base, plants going dormant in summer. It is principally a tender plant which will not tolerate frost, but grown under glass it survives temperatures as low as -2ºC provided the leaves are dry. In pots, the tubers will grow in size quickly and it is common for them to reach a ... Learn More$3.87
(10 seeds)