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This lovely diminutive native of of the Dalmatian mountains makes compact tufts of narrow grass-like leaves, 2 to 4 inches in length, with drooping flower-stems which become erect later. Violet-blue starry bell-shaped flowers appear in clusters in July and August. Rarely seen, this tough little gem is perfect for the alpine garden or front of border. ... Learn More$3.00
One of the very smallest species, this makes clumps of thin, grass-like foliage, topped with blue, skywards-facing bell-flowers. This prize-winner is absolutely superb in a pan, scree or rock garden. ... Learn More$3.00
(20+ seeds)
From an inconspicuous green tuft of grassy leaves, sprout six inch stems bearing clusters of large, bright purple flowers, each blooming spike being around two inches across. This plant, a native of the Balkans, demands a location with good drainage such as a pot, rock garden, or alpine trough. ... Learn More$3.00
(20+ seeds)