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Making an impressive evergreen shrublet, this beautiful plant bears large, soft, velvety leaves, and almost as a bonus, purple flowers smother the plant in early summer. Although it looks tender, it is frost hardy, and either in a very large pot or in the garden it is an arresting sight. ... Learn More$2.64
(20+ seeds)
This unique plant often stands pride of place amongst the winter foliage plants, where it shines like a lantern in the garden. As a bonus, purple flowers smother the plant in early summer. Either in a very large pot or in the garden it is an arresting sight. ... Learn More$2.64
(45+ seeds)
This unusual Turkish plant has woolly, grey green foliage which is surrounded by pearly pink flowers that make a rustic and ornamental addition to the garden. A lovely tall and slender wild flower, it has blossoms quite similar to "Bryony", whence it takes its name. ... Learn More$2.64
From Kashmir comes this tall showy plant with remarkable propeller-like white-centred pink mallow blooms. Strong stems clad in downy ivy-shaped leaves survive without staking throughout the very long flowering season. "A remarkable stately plant" (Graham Stuart Thomas) ... Learn More$2.40
(45 seeds)
This popular shrub is grown for the masses of dark pink, hollyhock-like flowers that smother its branches all summer long from June to September. The deeply lobed, grey-green leaves are attractive too. Extremely long-flowering, this vigorous tree mallow will thrive in a well-drained shrub or mixed border, but needs plenty of space to spread itself out as its puts on tremendous growth in just one season. In cold areas of the country it may be best grown against a warm wall to minimise wind and frost damage. ... Learn More$2.95
(200+ seeds)
L. trimestris is an upright annual, to 1.2m tall, with rounded, shallowly-lobed leaves and open funnel-shaped flowers to 10cm across. Flowers appear in mid to late summer in shades of pink or white, often with darker veining of the throat. ... Learn More$2.40
(100+ seeds)
A lovely form of L. trimestris producing an almost endless display of bright pink, four inch wide, trumpet-shaped flowers, prominently veined with deep red-purple towards the centre. This AGM winner is dwarf, bushy and well branched, and is covered in flowers from mid-July to September. In addition, the weather resistant stems with long-stalked, palmately lobed leaves, do not need staking. ... Learn More$2.40
(80 seeds)