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In earliest spring, above handsome winter rosettes of glaucous leaves, arise branching spires of white flowers with brown veins. These reach a crescendo in June, after which they set seed, before dying down again for the winter, leaving just traces of foliage. Surprisingly, these tender-looking plants are completely frost-hardy in well drained soil. ... Learn More$2.44
(10 seeds)
These lovely plants, which surprisingly are completely frost-hardy, produce clumps of linear basal leaves, and leafless stems bearing racemes or panicles of star-shaped, white or pink flowers, each tepal with an attractive green or brown central vein. ... Learn More$2.69
(10+ seeds)
From large tufts of hollow, onion-like, rounded leaves arise strong spikes holding starry flowers which are white or very pale pink, with a neat central longitudinal stripe of brown to reddish-purple on each petal. When it is happy this plant will spread by root or seeds to make solid colonies. ... Learn More$2.69
(12 seeds)
In early summer, from attractive bluish-green clumps of long narrow silvery foliage, arise strong thick stems that bear dense, un-branched, cylindrical spikes of gorgeous, yellow, sweetly-scented, star-shaped flowers. These are in fact edible, very decorative and can make a tasty addition to the salad bowl. They give way to decorative seed pods like shiny green marbles which can be left on the plant through winter to add interest. They are perfect for incorporating into borders, gravel gardens, or meadow style planting schemes as butterflies and bees are attracted to its nectar-rich blossoms. ... Learn More$2.69
(8 seeds)
In earliest spring, rosettes of fleshy green leaves erupt from the ground, soon followed by strong stems bearing numerous white starry flowers, the petals bearing a central brown streak. Best grown in a hot dry spot, with excellent drainage, this plant survives in the hottest and most inhospitable habitats imaginable. In the wild it grows from Mediterranean coastal regions northern Africa and the Middle East, to the hot dry Canary Islands. Historically, this flower was said to fill the plains of Hades, the mythological Greek underworld. As it was considered the favourite food of the dead, the ... Learn More$3.06
(10 seeds)